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Water levels

Water levels on the bulgarian section of the Danube river 14.05.2024 г.
Hydrometeorological stations

station kilo­metre water level (cm) discharge (m3/s) 24 hours difference (cm) t water(°C)
Novo selo 833.60 251 4727 +23 17.8
Lom 743.30 306 4597 +1 18.3
Oryahovo 678.00 197 4801 -6 18.4
Nikopol 597.50 264 -8 17.5
Svishtov 554.30 234 4993 -8 17.6
Ruse 495.60 227 4972 -6 17.4
Silistra 375.50 247 5121 -4 17.7

After 7:00 o´clock water levels are shown in grey denoting they were taken the day prior. Once entered by the person on duty, digit colour updates to blue to denote current water level.

Automated gauging stations

station kilo­metre water level [cm] last 6 hours difference t water [°C]
Novo Selo 833.60 268
Gomotartsi 819.00 148
Vidin-Kalafat bridge 796.00 299
Kozloduj 703.90 82
Oryahovo 678.00 201
Bajkal 640.80 49
Zagrazhden 625.00 66
Nikopol 597.50
Svishtov 554.30 226
Ruse-Gurgue bridge 488.70 224
Ryahovo 465.40 -5
Malak Preslavets 413.90 62
Silistra 375.50 241

Water level graphs for the last 24 hours

Novo Selo (833.60 km)

Gomotartsi (819.00 km)

Vidin-Kalafat bridge (796.00 km)

Kozloduj (703.90 km)

Oryahovo (678.00 km)

Bajkal (640.80 km)

Zagrazhden (625.00 km)

Svishtov (554.30 km)

Ruse-Gurgue bridge (488.70 km)

Ryahovo (465.40 km)

Malak Preslavets (413.90 km)

Silistra (375.50 km)

© Executive agency for exploration and maintenance of the Danube river [правна информация] [декларация за достъпност]